Chasing the Vikings

Chasing the Vikings – Series Coming Soon

Chasing the Vikings: An anthology of one NP Explorers travels through Norway


Coming soon to the Native Pulse’s exploration site and spirit museum, I will be bringing you a series called “Chasing the Vikings” as part of my travels through the Artic Circle as we search for Viking remnants including Viking Age Settlements and villages, burial mounds, excavated Viking ships, Stave Churches, and much more from the time of the Norsemen.  Look for some GREAT Scandinavian information soon to come!

April can be found reading, writing and curating anthropology material, and most often found wandering the halls of museums. She is an avid traveler having explored over 30 countries, and enjoys meeting the local people and eating traditional artisan dishes. April is the Director of Field Events for the Folk Fusion Organization, an organization who celebrates the contributions of cultures in society, and is one of Native Pulse's NP Explorers who has curated the "Chasing History" series.

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